Beat Map and Pool Description
Here is your guide to the Beat
The Pools

Jockie Fyfe
The upper most pool on the beat and is one of the most productive holding fish throughout the season. Best fished from the Craigendinnie bank the pool fishes in all heights. The pool can be fished throughout its length. In high water especially if fish are running there is a lie at the neck of the pool just off the fast water close into the south bank above the seat where fish pause before running up the fast water. Thereafter cast a long line dropping the fly just off the far bank all the way down to the tail in normal flows. In higher water concentrate in the calmer water on the inside of the current.
The hot spots are when you are standing adjacent to the bench just off the far bank down to the tail. The tail, the start of which is identified by a bay on the far bank widening the river and an increased flat flow, is best fished once the water has warmed up in medium to low water. It can be very productive. Fish a long line over the far boils with a slightly heavier fly at first as it is hard to hook fish in shallow fast water very close or on the surface and keep them on. A Silver Stoat conehead is excellent for this.
Little Jockie Fyfe
A low water pot where fish seek sanctuary in low warm water especially in bright weather, fishes from 6” on the gauge and below. Start above the obvious large round stone standing in the tail of the pool above, casting a long shallow angle fly to the far bank and try to hold it in the flatter darker areas of water. Fish all the way down wading on the current side of the big stone extending your cast to land the fly just off the far bank. The deeper water runs down the far bank to the tail.

A long good pool, but do not loose interest when fishing it as it gets better the lower down you fish. Fish it to at least the fir tree on the Craigendinnie bank. Start just above the bottom of the steps and cover the deeper water above the height gauge on the Craigendinnie bank. There is a lie just off the big stone by the gauge. Then fish a long line to cover the boils in the middle of the river just below the gauge, fish often lie around these stones.
The deeper channel lies two rod lengths from the Craigendinnie bank and the pool fishes best when the large stone by the gauge is just showing. The pool can be waded at up to 1’ 9” on the gauge. Keep fishing a long line all the way down and concentrate especially from just above the fence end on the Aboyne Castle bank down to the fir tree. Most fish take a third of the way out from the South bank in and around the gentle boils in the channel. In the back end fish lie in the tail often pairing up, some of considerable size.
As the name suggests the pool was formed as a result of storm Frank. An occasional cast but always worth fishing as a change. Keep a low profile and be stealthy as you are on top of the fish.

Rail End
A high water pool for running fish outside the main hut. Not often fished so give it a cast.

A good holding pool. Resident fish lie in the deep water off the old granite buttress. In high water fish from the buttress down to the tail. In low and medium water fish from the steps all the way through the pool, a bit of a tricky passage but well worth it.
When the water is just lapping the bank grass at 1’ – 1’ 6” on the gauge go in at the steps and fish the pool wading out enough to cast without problems. From here to the start of deeper water at the bottom of the shingle bay can be excellent especially when the fly hangs in the start of the deeper water. Come out of the water when it gets too deep for comfort and continue on the bank being mindful of your footing. Left hand single Spey with a shooting head is easiest. To make life easy don’t have all the head out when casting, you will more than cover the fish which are in our third of the river. Relax and get a comfortable standing place before each cast. This is not the place for traditional one step, one cast fishing with big D loops. This can be a very rewarding pool but more of a challenge. The tail is deep and good in Spring and high water.

Upper Fontie
A much changed pool after storm Frank but getting back to its old configuration being very Helmsdale like. The pool can be fished in two passes. First fish the dark deep water just in front of you, hand lining to keep in contact with the fly in the back eddy. Then fish the pool down again with a long line and traditional swing. All subject to water height. At the tail of the pool is a line of rocks shown by their boils angled downstream towards the Craigendinnie bank. Fish lie just upstream of these rocks in the deeper channel as the water flows on the angle.

Middle Fontie
A good pool which is easily fished and not difficult to work out but do not over wade. Best in medium height water. Start at the neck and fish all the way down until the river shallows over the gravel bar where the river cliff is situated on the North bank. Fish will often take off the round stone mid river but cover all the water from the far bank to mid river as fish lie all over the pool.

Middle Fontie to Plantation
There are numerous rifles and pots which provide lower water opportunities in the summer with a grilse or single handed rod.

A lovely pool to fish but needs a medium water height as it does not have much depth and is too fast in high water. Low water suits the lower part best. Easy wading to only ankle deep and open your shoulders putting the fly just off the other bank.
The New Pool
An occasional cast, a medium to high water pool but difficult wade in those conditions. Not for the faint hearted.

A good holding pool especially in the back end as fish wait to run the Tanar just below it. A shooting head helps here and the same casting style as Symonds applies. A shallow angle cast to the far side and try to hold the fly for a long as possible in the main current on the Craigendinnie side.
In medium water the bottom half and tail are best, in low water the whole pool comes into play. Not a high water pool from our side.

Browns Corner
A good small high water pool which holds some big fish. In high water the fly just holds perfectly in the current slowly on the swing.

A famous long pool with the pulpit on its bank. A stone here is inscribed “Dry lines no fish”, a barbed reminder to a historical ghillie the Laird found asleep on the bank. In the past the Lorne was one of the most prolific pools on the Dee which is unfortunately not the case today. The higher the water the lower down the pool you start. In medium heights start at the big rock above the hut but below the pulpit. In very high water start below the croy and fish down to the end of the grass.
In Summer and low water you can fish continuously from the tail of Browns Corner through the streams of the Lorne into the Lorne itself. The wading is not easy, there are two deeper parts one directly below the pulpit two rod lengths out and one just below the hut above the croy one rod length out. Use a stick, take your time and if the water deepens just backup towards the bank. There are some big stones so the wade can be a bit lumpy. Don’t try to straddle a rock just inch around it on the bank side and take your time using your wading stick as a depth gauge. In high water fish standing in the water’s edge down to the croy, then off the bank below the croy.